Housing Services

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45 services found.

Family Stability Program - Catholic Charities of Central Florida

The Family Stability Program helps those in need. It is for people who are homeless or who are about to be homeless. They must meet certain requirements to qualify. This can vary depending on who needs help and what is available.

Please call 407.658.1818 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.


  • Homeless prevention
  • Rehoming services
  • Family services
  • Financial assistance

Homeless Youth - Covenant House Florida

Covenant House Florida provides a safe haven 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for runaway and homeless teens under 21. They also serve teen parents and their babies. Youth show up at the shelter’s doorstep sometimes with only the clothes on their back. They may be bruised and hurt emotionally and/or physically.

Covenant House’s caring staff provides their guests with nourishing meals, clean clothes and a safe place to sleep. Guests are offered a list of services – from health care and counseling to education and job readiness assistance. This helps them either to become reunited with their families or have the skills necessary to live independently.


733 Breakers Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304