Housing Services

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45 services found.

Utility Bill Assistance - Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly

The Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program is known as EHEAP for short. It is offered by the Department of Elder Affairs which helps low-income households with at least one person age 60 and older. The help is for emergency energy related costs during the year. The payments are made directly to the vendor. Or by a two-party check to the vendor and client. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Women/Children and Family Shelter - Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida

The Center for Women and Families is a 240-bed shelter at the Coalition’s main campus. They serve single women, single women with children, single men with children, and intact families.

All who live in the Center are case managed. Case managers work with each client to establish a budget, along with a detailed self-sufficiency plan. This provides a link to services available at the Coalition. This includes LifeStrides, an education program through Orange County Public Schools.

Please see the website for more details.

Women/Children and Family Shelter - Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission

Rescue Outreach Mission provides a safe, supportive and healing environment in which homeless people can get the help they need to return to self sufficiency. Opportunities of Hope has a shelter for women and women with children. They can get three meals a day and access to the clothes closet. Mental health counseling and AA meetings are available if needed. Clients can get help with employment and other services.

Please see the website for more details.