Housing Services

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45 services found.

Senior Resource Alliance - Florida Department of Elder Affairs

The Senior Resource Alliance is a resource center. It helps find resources on both a state and federal level. These resources are for senior citizens. They are also for their caregivers and families.

Please call 407.514.1800 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

Elder Helpline: 1.800.963.5337

Resources Include:

  • Caregiving
  • Food
  • Housing
  • Medicare
  • Utilities

Shelter Programs - Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida

Each day, they provide safe shelter, nutritious meals, and hygiene items to nearly 500 men, women, and children. Case managers help guests address their needs, establish goals, and return to stable, permanent housing as quickly as possible. They help build an individualized housing plan, which may include applying for supportive housing programs, entering the Coalition's Rapid ReHousing or Bridge Housing programs, or working with local landlords to secure a room or apartment rental.

Please see the website for more details.

Substance Abuse Men's Transitional Housing - Recovery House of Central Florida

Recovery House is a non-medical, faith-based organization. It has transitional housing and recovery support for men with substance abuse issues. It uses a 12-step program. Men can get addiction education, job skills and training. Family support is strongly encouraged. The focus is to reunite men with their families and give them job skills.

You must call 407.323.5857 for an interview. No walk-ins will be accepted. In many cases, the client can be accepted the same day of approval.

Please see the website for more details.

The Family Stabilization Program - JFS Orlando

This program is a preventative, case management program. It lasts for six months. The program is meant to help families become self-sufficient. They are taught critical skills and given tools to help with long-term stability. These services are free.

Please call 407.644.7593 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

For City of Orlando & Seminole County: 407.644.7593 ext. 250
For Orange County: 407.644.7593 ext. 236