Family Assistance Services

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1192 services found.

Bereavement Services- Gulfside Regional Hospice

GRH offers services to help those cope with the loss of a loved one. They offer support groups that meet weekly in several locations. Counselors offer guidance and support with individual and family counseling. Mending Hearts is a program for children and teens. The Telephone Assurance Program (TAP) offers additional support by phone.

Gulfside holds Community Memorial Services twice a year, in the Spring and Fall. It offers family members a chance to remember loved ones. They are open to all who have experienced a loss.

Birth to Three Program - Achievement Academy

This agency offers the Birth to Three program. It offers early intervention services. These services help make sure a child is on track developmentally. They are for children up to three years of age. The children might be at-risk for developmental delays for a variety of reasons. All services are free for families. Please call or visit the website for more information.

The Program Provides:

Boley Centers - Jerry Howe Transitional Housing Program for Homeless Veterans

Provides skills development and support. Helps prepare Veterans to reintegrate into the community. Helps maintain permanent housing of their choice. On-site staff ensure the Veterans access needed:

  • Employment and Training Opportunities
  • Medical and Dental Services
  • Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Veterans Benefits

Contact for more information.