Family Assistance Services

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1216 services found.

Independent Living-Camelot Community Care

Camelot coordinates Independent Living Services to older teens in the child welfare system. Services include life skills training, education coordination and support services. They also have job coaching and financial skills training. The goal of this program is to prepare teens in foster care for adulthood and self sufficiency.

They also assist young adults who have already aged out of the foster care system.

Please see the website for more details.

Kids Village Residential Treatment Program-Children's Home

Kids Village is a residential facility for abused and neglected children. They serve children ages 6 to 17. The home is for kids with emotional and behavioral issues. Residential services include individual, group, and family therapy. There is a school on campus. There are recreational activities such as swimming, basketball and tennis. They have a chapel, playground and educational center.

The children are encouraged to be a part of community activities. This could be a sports team, arts and crafts, music or science.

Please see the website for more details.

Pregnancy & Parenting Support Services-Catholic Charities

This agency has confidential services for women facing the challenges of pregnancy. Services include pregnancy testing and prenatal and childbirth information. The Mentor Program provides support for the mother. She can get baby supplies. Adoption services are available. There are parenting classes, maternity supplies, emergency food and area resources.

All of these services are provided at no cost to the client.

Please see the website for more details.