Family Assistance Services

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1193 services found.

Community Hope Center

The Community Hope Center is for low-income, poverty level families and individuals living in and around Osceola County, Florida. The main emphasis is to assist those living homeless or in motels and hotels along Osceola County’s 192 Corridor.

Community Learning Centers - Redlands Christian Migrant Association

Redlands Christian Migrant Association provides Community Learning Centers. They help low-income families in need. They offer basic education services to adults and their families.

Services include:

  • Provide computer training and access to on-line learning.
  • Provide basic education classes, in English or Spanish, leading to the attainment of a primary, secondary or higher diploma from Mexico, or GED of the state of Florida.
  • Provide courses in English for Speakers of Other Languages.
  • Support families in their quest toward personal growth and self-sufficiency, including health and parenting skills, homework help for their children and becoming advocates in the public school system.

Please call or visit website for more information.