Family Assistance Services

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1192 services found.

Detox Services - Chemical Addictions Recovery Effort, Inc (CARE)

This group offers detox services. Their DETOX unit is staffed 24 hours a day. Clients are kept medically stable during withdrawal in a secure environment. There is minimal use of medication. The usual stay is from three to nine days. There is a sliding fee scale available for those who qualify. Please call 850.872.7676 or visit the website to learn more.

DETOX unit: 850.769.1632

Diabetes Management Program - Devereux Florida

This group offers a diabetes management program. It is for children and adolescents with very severe behavioral problems. They also have diabetic health concerns. This program teaches them how to take control of their illness. It provides individual and group teaching. It also provides help with diet and exercise programs. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Toll Free 1.800.338.3738 ext. 176422