Family Assistance Services

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1192 services found.

Early Childhood Development - Easterseals Southwest Florida

"Make the First 5 Count!" The Early Childhood Development programs from Easterseals help children gain a strong foundation. They offer Lily Preschool for kids up to 5 years old. They also offer therapy. Early intervention helps babies and toddlers work toward growth goals. They are at a time in their lives when they are most ready to learn. They can most benefit from therapy during this time. Their therapies and other services are offered to children up to 18 years old.

Early Head Start- Suwannee Valley Community Coordinated Child Care

SV4Cs is in charge of the Early Head Start program. It helps children from birth to age 3 and pregnant women. Services are available year-round. The group is committed to providing infants and toddlers with enrichment. Enrichment in their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. They also support parents. To help them to care for and teach their growing children to be self-sufficient in many ways. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Early Stage Alzheimer's Support Group-Alvin A Dubin Alzheimer's Resource Center

We offer a support group designed for those who have early stage dementia and are seeking information and support. The group includes:

  • Adjusting to new situations
  • Coping with changes and feelings related to memory loss
  • Topics such as questions and concerns about memory loss
  • Wellness and support systems

This group meets twice per month for a four month period. Those interested must be interviewed first to determine whether this type of group is right for them. Call for more information.

Early Steps - Children's Home Society of Florida

Children’s Home Society of Florida – Emerald Coast offers the Early Steps program. This program helps families with children who have developmental delays. The services are available for children ages 0 to 3. They will guide you through the issues with your child. In-home visits are an option to help the child feel more safe and secure. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Available Services Include:

Early Steps Early Programs- Johns Hopkins All Children's Specialty Care

This program has early intervention services for children from birth to age 3. They are referred by family, doctors or area agencies due to suspected developmental delays. Early Steps services are based on evaluations and the family's concerns, resources and goals. Services are provided where the family and child live, learn and play. Most services will be early intervention home visits.

Please see the website for more details.