Family Assistance Services

You are searching for Family Assistance Services

1191 services found.

Services - Nana's House

The mission of the group is to provide a safe, secure, and loving home for children. The children have been neglected, abused, or abandoned. They also help foster families and the children they care for. They group works to provide multiple kinds of help. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Examples of Help Provided:

  • Household Items
  • Housing
  • School Supplies
  • Toys
  • Transportation
  • Utilities

Sexual Assault Victim Services - Women's Center of Brevard

This group offers sexual assault victim services. The program is called SAVS for short. It is a rape crisis program. The program works to provide support and advocacy services. The services are free and confidential. The services are for male and female victims. They are also for the loved ones of a victim. Please call or visit the website for more information.

SAVS 24 Hour Rape Helpline: 321.784.4357
Domestic Violence Hotline: 321.607.6809

Services Include: