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Joey's Gift: Respite Care

Easterseals of Northeast Central Florida offers a respite program for caregivers. It is called Joey’s Gift. The program offers a healthy break for caretakers. A break from the demands and strain of caring for a loved one with special needs. The program is for children between the ages of 1 – 18. Their siblings are welcome too. The program runs for four hours on designated Saturdays only. From 10 am to 2 pm. The staff and volunteers care for children. In the safe and fun environment of an Easterseals Child Development Center.

What to Bring:

Joey's Gift: Respite Care - Easterseals Northeast Central Florida

This group offers a respite program for caregivers. It is called Joey’s Gift. It offers break for caretakers from the demands and strain of caring for a loved one with special needs. The program is for children between the ages of 1 – 18. Their siblings are welcome too. The program runs for four hours on designated Saturdays only. It goes from 10 am to 2 pm. The children are cared for by staff and volunteers. Please call or visit the website for more information.