Medical Services

You are searching for Medical Services

25 services found.

Medical and Dental - Turning Points

This group gives free basic and healthcare to people in Manatee County who don’t have insurance. Patients can see a dentist at the Turning Points Dental Clinic for most of their dental needs if they live in the area and meet the income rules. The Dental Clinic has volunteer dentists, helpers, and hygienists working every weekday to make sure people can get the dental care they need. Visit the website to learn more.

Medicare - Social Security Administration

Medicare is a health insurance program. It is for people 65 or older. Certain people under the age of 65 may be eligible. They must meet certain eligibility requirements. This program helps with the cost of health care. It does not cover all medical expenses. Or the cost of long-term care. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Go HERE to locate the Social Security office nearest you.

Ob/GYN Services

MCRHS provides a full range of services to women. They begin from young adulthood to pregnancy care to services for older women. See website to learn more.

Mon, Tue, Wed 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thurs 8:00am - 8:00pm
Fri 8:00am - 1:00pm

RareCare - National Organization of Rare Disorders

NORD offers RareCare. It is a collection of assistance programs for people living with rare diseases. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Toll Free: 800.999.6673

Types of Assistance Available:

  • Medication Assistance
  • Financial Assistance with Insurance Premiums & Copays
  • Diagnostic Testing Assistance
  • Travel Assistance for Clinical Trials
  • Travel Assistance for Consultations with Disease Specialists

School Health - Manatee Co. Health Dept.

This program is designed to make parents aware of their children's health issues. It aims to discover and prevent health problems. It encourages the use of doctors, dentists, and other services as needed.

Services include:

  • Dental, vision and hearing screenings
  • Home visits as needed
  • Hypertension and scoliosis screenings
  • Identification of health problems
  • Nursing assessment
  • Speakers and health programs
  • For more information, call (941) 748-0747 ext. 1281