Healthcare Services

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58 services found.

Medicare - Social Security Administration

Medicare is a health insurance program. It is for people 65 or older. Certain people under the age of 65 may be eligible. They must meet certain eligibility requirements. This program helps with the cost of health care. It does not cover all medical expenses. Or the cost of long-term care. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Go HERE to locate the Social Security office nearest you.

Medicine Room - Manatee Co. Health Dept.

The "Medicine Room" at MCHD helps all the clinics by ordering medicine and keeping track of what they have. They make sure clinics always have the medicine they need. They also give out prescription medicines to some clients.

These medicines include ones for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), people with epilepsy, and people with tuberculosis (TB). A pharmacist at the State Central Pharmacy fills these prescriptions and sends them to MCHD in a sealed bag with the client's name on it. The Medicine Room gives the medicine to the clients and answers any questions.