Family Assistance Services

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1192 services found.

Salvation Army of St. Petersburg - Adult Rehabilitation Center

The ARC is a six-month residential substance abuse program for men. The Center houses up to 104 mostly indigent men at no cost to them. They receive meals and safe housing in a stable environment. They get group therapy, guidance and skilled spiritual counseling. They also learn trades such as furniture refinishing, appliance and computer repair. They refurbish donated items which are then sold at one of the SA thrift stores.

Santa Rosa Kids House

Santa Rosa Kids' House is responsible for coordinating agency partners and implementing of the Child Advocacy Center service model for child abuse. As one of over 900 Child Advocacy Centers in the United States, the Santa Rosa Kids’ House mission is to deliver a well-coordinated and multi-disciplined response to child abuse in an environment that puts the needs of children first. It is our vision to create a community where all children are nurtured to learn and grow in the context of safe and stable families that are equipped with the tools to prevent abuse and neglect. The Santa Rosa Kids’ House provides preventative, intervention and therapeutic services to children who have been sexually abused or neglected. Our facility uses the multidisciplinary team approach to reduce trauma to the child.

School Readiness Scholarships

Children from low to moderate-income working families or with other identified risk factors may receive scholarships to attend an early education program. Eligibility is based on the parents’ income and must not exceed 150% of the federal poverty level. Children ages birth to 13 years are eligible for scholarship. Exceptions may be made for older children with special needs. Participants in this program receive:

  • Character education
  • Developmentally appropriate curriculum
  • Vision, hearing and developmental screen