Teen Services

You are searching for Teen Services

242 services found.

Florida KidCare-HealthyKids

The state offers health insurance for children. From birth through age 18. It is free to apply. Enrollment is year-round. Each child is matched with the best fit of four Florida KidCare programs. Cost options include free, subsidized, and full-pay. These options are based on family income. And size of the household. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Haven Hospice - Grief Support

Haven Hospice offers a wide range of grief counseling services for people of all ages. There are also chaplains available to give spiritual support.

Services include:

  • Healing Hearts Bereavement Support
  • Teen Grief Support
  • Healthcare Worker Support
  • Holiday Grief Support
  • Spiritual Care

Please call or visit website for more information.