Teen Services

You are searching for Teen Services

242 services found.

Bradford County Health Department - Immunizatons

The BCHD offers vaccinations for all ages. They are free to all children through age 18, as Florida law requires immunization for daycare/school. Vaccines prevent serious and/or deadly diseases.

Adult immunizations include Tetanus, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis A & B, Pneumonia and the Influenza vaccine, when available. Adults may pay on a sliding fee scale. For adult pricing, please call 904.964.7732.

Bridge Transitional Living - Anchorage Children's Home

The Bridge Transitional Living program serves up to 6 youth with housing and 14 youth in non-residential services. It empowers these 16- to 22-year-old youths to become independent and fully contributing members of their communities. This work is done through an 18-month program. During this time, they will continue or complete their education. They will work to obtain employment. They will also develop essential life skills. Please call 850.481.8501 or visit the website to learn more.

Brookwood, Teen Residence

This is a group home for girls ages 13 to 18. They are placed by DCF due to abusive and/or neglectful home settings. Sometimes they are placed privately by parents because of stressful home relationships. Program goals focus on independent living skills. This includes an education program, job skills, money management, and problem solving. Individual psychotherapy and group therapy are provided by licensed therapists.

Please see the website for all services.